A savvy way to take care of your money is to put it to work through investments. Investing is a prudent financial act. When you invest, you ensure that you have enough money set aside. Emergencies, holidays, and pensions are just some of the things investing covers. You can have a very healthy accumulation of […]
Passive management
by Moneyfarm
Not many people would turn down the chance of market-beating returns from their portfolio, but it takes a lot of analysis to judge whether an investment will help you reach your targeted return. Find out how calculating alpha could help.
by Moneyfarm
A short overview of the world of investing. We take a look at what it means to invest, why different investment products exist, and what it takes to build an appropriate portfolio to reach your long term goals.
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What is an index?
by Moneyfarm
Indices are tools that enable investors to monitor financial markets. Here, we take a closer look at what indices are, their history, and their role within the world of investing.
by Moneyfarm
ETFs are different to typical passive tracker funds. Here, we take a look at what their main differences are, and what you should consider when choosing which one to invest in.
by Moneyfarm
Correctly timing the market is a huge challenge for even the most experienced investors, which is why you should look to maximise your returns through the simple strategy of pound cost averaging.
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What is tracking error?
by Moneyfarm
Tracking error’ is a term you’ll hear a lot when you invest in ETFs. Here we take a look at what it means and why investors rely on it when evaluating their investment portfolios.
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What is a fund?
by Moneyfarm
An investment fund can help take some of the pressure off investors and provide them with a diversified portfolio that’s built and managed by a team of experts. Let’s take a look at what this means.
by Moneyfarm
It is widely believed that higher risk is equal to greater returns. Therefore, by taking on more risk in the portfolio (by buying more equity for instance) one would expect higher returns in the long run compared to investing in lower risk asset classes (such as bonds). However, investors need to be aware that in […]