How to invest £75,000

When you’ve got some money sat in your savings account, it can be difficult knowing what to do with it. For example, should you want to invest 75K, by putting it to work on the financial markets, you could get one step closer to your dream retirement – but how can you maximise your returns?

Priority one; make sure you’ve got three months of savings in an easily accessible cash account and pay off any remaining expensive debt you have.

It can be frustrating seeing your money gathering dust in a cash savings account – especially as inflation can erode the purchasing power of your savings over time. It’s important, however, that you have a rainy day fund in case of an emergency.

Priority #1 Make sure you’ve got three months of savings in an easily accessible cash account
Enemy # 1 of your savings Inflation
Can I do it myself? Yes, you can, but you must be experienced
Top 3 tips Make sure you have a rainy-day fund and have paid off any expensive debt
Invest in the right way for you

Investing for you

Your financial goals are personal, so the way you invest to achieve them should be too. By understanding your attitude to risk and your investor profile, you can invest in a way that will help you maximise your returns and take you one step closer to your financial goals.

Your investor profile depends on what you’re investing for, when you’ll want your money and your attitude to risk. If you’re looking to grow your money to pay for a house deposit in two years, you’re going to have a more conservative portfolio than someone who is saving for a retirement that they hope to start in 30 years.

Your risk tolerance will impact what investments you have in your portfolio. A conservative investor will have a higher proportion of bonds than equities. Bonds are a debt investment and are seen as less risky than equities.

When you invest in a bond, you expect your loan to be repaid in full at maturity. Investors also expect a regular income from the bond’s coupon.

An investor that can afford to take on more risk will have a larger exposure to equities in their portfolio. The equity markets are more volatile than fixed income, but this means your scope for return is also higher.

Investing money

Whether you’re facing the financial markets fresh-faced or are a seasoned pro, investing 75K means you are managing a lot of money and this could feel overwhelming.

One way to manage the risk in your investments is to spread your money across investments, asset classes and geographies. Diversification aims to use the gains made from some parts of your portfolio to offset any losses made elsewhere.

Equities, bonds and cash equivalents – short-term financial products – are the main asset classes that are the building blocks to diversified investment portfolios.

These asset classes rarely perform in sync with each other, so building a portfolio of assets that don’t perform in a similar way can help minimise risk and aims to generate higher returns that just one single investment.

Understanding Your Investment Time Horizon in the UK Market

One of the most crucial factors to consider when planning your investment strategy is your investment time horizon. This refers to the length of time you expect to hold your investments before needing access to your capital. The time horizon can significantly influence the types of assets you should include in your portfolio, as well as the level of risk you can afford to take.

For instance, if you’re looking to invest 75K for a short-term goal like buying a car or going on a lavish holiday within the next year, you’ll likely want to opt for less volatile, more liquid assets. These could include money market funds or short-term bonds that offer lower returns but also come with reduced risk.

On the other hand, if your investment time horizon is longer, say for retirement or your child’s education, you can afford to take on more risk for potentially higher returns. In such cases, equities or property investments might be more suitable. A longer time horizon allows you to ride out the inevitable ups and downs of the market, thereby offering a chance for your investments to recover from any short-term losses.

Understanding your investment time horizon is essential for asset allocation and risk management. It helps you align your investment choices with your financial goals and risk tolerance. So, before diving into the investment pool, take a moment to assess how long you can afford to keep your money invested. This will guide you in making informed decisions that are tailored to your individual needs and objectives.

Give your pension a welcome boost

When you’re investing to protect your money and build up your savings for the future, make sure you’re making the most of what you’ve got. There are simple, tax-efficient investment products out there that can help you maximise your returns on your 75K.

Brits reckon they need around £500,000 in their savings pot when they retire, according to research from financial services provider One Family. This leaves savers with an income of just under £30,000 a year to play with.

Include the full state pension in the equation and this means the average Brit needs to save £364,000 for retirement. Investing £75,000 could help protect your financial security in retirement – depending on when you’ll want your money.

Even if you’re a few years away from retirement, this doesn’t mean you need to keep your money in cash savings. With Brits living longer, you can expect to need a retirement income for around three decades.

30 years is considered a long-term horizon in investment circles, so if you have other sources of pension income, you might invest your 75K to make it work harder. Make sure you speak to your investment adviser if you have any questions.

Tax benefits of a personal pension

Personal pension schemes have generous tax benefits attached to them. You’re eligible for tax relief on your pension contributions relative to your tax band.

If you’re in the basic rate tax band of 20%, you’ll pay just £8,000 for a total £10,000 contribution. A higher rate taxpayer will pay just £6,000 for the same £10,000 contribution, with additional taxpayers paying just £5,500. These tax incentives can really help you build up your savings.

Savers can only put the equivalent on their annual salary into their pension each year to benefit from this tax relief, or £40,000 – whichever is lower.

If you earn £50,000 and haven’t contributed anything to your pension this year, you might want to put £40,000 in your pension and look for other ways for your money to go further.

Tax benefits of a stocks and shares ISA

A stocks and shares ISA is another simple and tax-efficient way to protect and grow your £75,000 for the future. When you invest money, you could be eligible to pay tax on any profit above your annual allowance when you sell your investments. If you invest in an ISA, you won’t pay a thing.

You can invest £20,000 in your stocks and shares ISA each year and all your profit, whether from capital gains or income, will grow tax-free within your ISA wrapper. The ISA allowance resets annually, however, so it’s a case of use it or lose it as it won’t roll over into the next financial year.

ISAs are more flexible than pensions; whilst you can only start cashing in the age of 55, and you cannot withdraw your private pension before that changes to ISA regulation means you can withdraw and pay in money to your stocks and shares ISA without it affecting your annual allowance.

At Moneyfarm, we know flexibility is key for many families so ensure you can get your money back in under seven working days. An ISA can help you protect and grow your money in a simple and efficient way and can be a useful supplement to your pension income throughout retirement.

Five tips for investing 75K

  1. Make sure you have a rainy day fund and have paid off any expensive debt
  2. Invest in the right way for you – at Moneyfarm we match you to an investment portfolio that’s built and managed specifically for your investor profile
  3. Manage risk with diversification – aim to offset losses with gains made elsewhere. This can be expensive to do yourself, but exchange traded funds (ETFs) can help – these are the products Moneyfarm uses to build its portfolios.
  4. Top up your pension – give the future you a helping hand and make the most of any tax relief to maximise your pension income
  5. Make the most of your ISA – invest £20,000 a year and watch your investments grow tax-free, whether from capital growth or income.


What is the best way to invest 75K?

There is no best way to invest £75,000. The right way to invest for yourself will be based on your individual financial goals, investor profile, and attitude to risk.

what will 75,000 be worth in 30 years?

With an investment return of 6% and no yearly deposits, in 30 years, a £75,000 investment will be worth between £754,699 and £880,281.

How much should I invest to get 100 monthly?

It all depends on what you invest in and the dividend yield of the stocks. However, to get £100 in dividends, you need to have invested between £34,000 and £48,000, with an average portfolio value of £40,000.


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*Capital at risk. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.