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Decodes: Short-termism

⏳ Reading Time: 2 minutes


Why is planning for our future so difficult? We all know what we should be doing: eating a healthy diet, exercising, drinking less, saving money etc. But many of us don’t act, even if the intention is there.

With this report we explore why as a society we find it difficult to invest in our future happiness and wellbeing. Why we frequently give in to temptation, or cultural pressures and buy a new gadget or outfit instead of saving that money for the house we hope to buy, or putting it into our pension. Is short-termism driving our behaviour and why?

Are we a society with no time to digest and interpret complex messages – or simply a nation overwhelmed by choice?

By decoding short-termism, the origins drivers and psychology behind this modern phenomenon, we hope to better understand our current behaviour and equip you with the tools and advice you need to achieve a healthy balance. Ultimately we want you to be able to enjoy life in the future just as much as you do today.

We’ve worked with a panel of world-leading experts spanning science, psychology and trends, supported by original quantitative consumer research to develop this study into short-termism and its impact on our current and future lives.



The report covers:

  • What short-termism is
  • The impact short-termism has on your future
  • Saving and spending habits
  • How resistant we are to change
  • How happiness and regret plays into financial planning
  • Top tips on how to plan for the future





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